The Dag Hammarskjöld Fund (DH Fund) is currently welcoming applications from professional and freelance journalists working in print, television, radio, or online media in predominantly developing regions, including Africa to report on the 79th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly over a period of about 10 weeks.
The aim is to enable journalists chosen for this initiative to enhance their understanding of the U.N operations by directly observing sessions, press briefings, and conducting interviews, thereby facilitating comprehensive coverage of topics pertinent to their home audiences.
Participants will also have the chance to meet media professionals from across the globe and gain insights into the various challenges journalism encounters in different countries.
Nairametrics learns that the Fund will cover all travel costs and accommodation in furnished studio apartments located close to the United Nations for those awarded the Fellowship of the Fellowship.
Eligibility criteria
According to The Fund, it is open to candidates who demonstrate a strong interest in the international scene and the activities of the United Nations and its associated organizations.
The other criteria is as follows:
- Mid-career journalists within the age bracket of 25 to 35 from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Oceania, including those working on a freelance basis are invited to submit applications.
- Applicants need to possess a valid passport for the application and acquisition of an I-1 journalist visa from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate to participate in the Fellowship.
- Submissions of work samples should be from the year 2023 onwards.
- Candidates must be working for legitimate news outlets, including print, television, radio, or online platforms.
- Proficiency in English is essential as it is a primary language of communication at the United Nations
- Journalism students cannot apply for this opportunity.
Benefits of the Fund
- The Fund will arrange and pay for all travel expenses for the Fellowship Recipients. Travel arrangements cannot be made until you have obtained a valid journalist I-1 Visa.
- The Fund will provide Fellowship recipients with furnished studio apartments near the United Nations.
Application Requirements
- A completed online Application Form.
- Applicants must submit at least three (3) pieces of their work published after the start of 2023. Links are to be provided for online reports, otherwise in Word, PDF, MP3, or JPEG formats. Samples not hosted on a media website can be uploaded to a public platform like YouTube.
- A letter of endorsement from the applicant’s current employer is needed, granting paid leave for the fellowship, agreeing to publish or broadcast the U.N. reports, providing contact details for verification, and covering dissemination costs.
- An essay, limited to 500 words, should describe the applicant’s motivation for the Fellowship and its expected impact on their grasp of international affairs and U.N. discussions.
- A current passport copy.
Applications are to be made here before the 5th of April, 2024.