As Youths, it is time we stop bemoaning the exclusion we currently face in the political space. And actually take action towards building our future and the very conducive political atmosphere we all wish to have.
The relevance of the youths to the development of any society is beyond contest. It is the segment of the population that keeps all other segments of any society going. And across time and space, no society had ever been create nor attained development without the glorious and heroic contributions of its youths.
Many may have wondered why politics at the Grassroots level in Toro is seemingly dead. Only coming alive during election time. The answer is simple – we do not have a culture of Grassroots political participation in Toro LGA.
Against this backdrop, the realities of the present Toro Political order now negates and downplays the relevance of the Youths in our quest for sustainable political development within Toro and Bauchi state At large. It now seems, as though, the invaluable roles of the Youths in determining the political destiny of Toro politics especially at the Grassroots levels are non-existent.
As Youths, it is time we stop bemoaning the exclusion we currently face in the political space. And actually take action towards building our future and the very conducive political atmosphere we all wish to have.
There is a huge opportunity available us all to make impact and we should take it.
Remember that politics is not all about the scramble to occupy the highest elective posts in the land. As Youths we must start from the Grassroots.
Usman Ibrahim